Global Background Checks Index - Explore here
Global Background Checks Index - Explore here
Best-fit human capital matters because it is of great value, difficult to replace, and creates a huge difference in workplace productivity. As one of the world's largest background screening service providers, we truly identify with it.
cFIRST is a technology-driven screening partner for organizations helping them make informed hiring decisions and for candidates to choose the right opportunity.
With a small but highly-skilled team, we set out with a commitment to solve even the toughest background screening challenges. Our purpose is to optimize the talent acquisition decisions taken by the enterprises thereby creating reliable workforces. We deliver on our promise by mitigating hiring risks, enhancing the efficiency of the hiring workflows and creating a safer workplace for shared success. Our candidate-focused approach empowers us to create a simple, transparent, powerful, and unbiased screening experience.
While our robust API delivers a seamless onboarding experience, AI-powered screening technology and advanced analytics offer industry-leading turnaround time and accuracy.
We utilize our global screening capabilities and experience with a strong network spread across over 200+ countries.
We have extensive compliance experience on global regulations and legal requirements that help you stay agile in the face of ever-evolving regulatory frameworks.
Conducting business with utmost honesty, taking complete responsibility for our work, practicing inclusivity, and respect are the creeds that help build and sustain the strong character synonymous with cFIRST. Not only are deeply grounded in our core values, but they also serve as the key driver of our business strategy.
We are committed to making a positive impact on all the stakeholders and being instrumental in helping them achieve outstanding growth. We commit to surpassing our clients' expectations by delivering tailored screening solutions, straightforward communication, and result-driven insights.
Our deep industry expertise, diverse skill sets, and advanced technological know-how define our ability to understand your company culture and hiring objectives to ensure the perfect fit. In addition, we continually embrace change to break barriers and deliver outstanding results for every client.
Background checks conducted annually
Clients served
Strong workforce
15+ years of experience in reinforcing hiring workflows with hassle-free verifications across the globe.
Seamless integration with the existing platform for seamless experience, unmatched efficiency and superior data security.
Highly responsive customer service teams are willing to go the extra mile whenever you need them
Automated workflows focused on keeping you compliant with state, federal, and local laws, mitigating liability, and protecting candidate information.